When I was little we always had Thanksgiving at my grandparents in Mississippi. Every Friday morning my grandmother and mom would head out early to go shopping. Back then, the stores opened at 6am, now they open at 4am! When I turned 16 I went on my first Black Friday and the tradition began for me and my mom.
Piece of Advice: I highly recommend going with one other person. One to start running, knocking over people (just kidding) to go get the one item(s) that you want, let's say that TV. While the other person has gone to grab the cart or to even go ahead and get in line.
On Thursday night we went through the ads and decided where we wanted to go. We started our adventure at Belk at 4:15am, then headed off to Target, HH Gregg, JCPenny, Joann, back to Belk, and where headed home by 8am.
We had a quick nap and were up again at 10am for Round Two! We headed to Nashville West to go to World Market and Bath & Body Works.
We were both very pleased with our purchases! Belk for me, had the best deals!
I look forward to enjoying this tradition again next year with my mom.