I just finished this book:

and it was amazing.
I ordered it last Tuesday, got it Friday and was finished with it last night. I couldn't put it down.
I can tell you in person about this book, but it's hard for me to write about it. My description will not give it justice, so all I'm going to say is I highly recommend you picking this up. I thought by 28 I would own a home with a backyard, have at least one child, a dog (we are working on that), but you get my point. I thought I had it all figured and planned out, but it hasn't turned out that way. So, Plan B comes into action. This book doesn't exactly tell you how to deal with Plan B situations but to trust God and be patient. He (God) will finish what he has started. Pete Wilson writes in a way that is easy to understand and he is also very easy to relate too.
Here is a good review that you should check out.
I ordered it last Tuesday, got it Friday and was finished with it last night. I couldn't put it down.
I can tell you in person about this book, but it's hard for me to write about it. My description will not give it justice, so all I'm going to say is I highly recommend you picking this up. I thought by 28 I would own a home with a backyard, have at least one child, a dog (we are working on that), but you get my point. I thought I had it all figured and planned out, but it hasn't turned out that way. So, Plan B comes into action. This book doesn't exactly tell you how to deal with Plan B situations but to trust God and be patient. He (God) will finish what he has started. Pete Wilson writes in a way that is easy to understand and he is also very easy to relate too.
Here is a good review that you should check out.