It's hard to believe it's been a year since the Nashville flood. I remember driving down to Nashville a year ago today and stopping in Franklin, KY to pick up bottled water because a lot of the grocery stores in Nashville were out. I had a few friends lose everything, but looking back they have said the experience made them stronger and in a way it was a good thing.
Here are a few before/after shots from my bestie Mich's home. I don't have any complete shots, but her home is absolutely beautiful. She was able to move in December, just in time for Christmas.
Here are a few before/after shots from my bestie Mich's home. I don't have any complete shots, but her home is absolutely beautiful. She was able to move in December, just in time for Christmas.
Mich's bedroom before...

After...well during! It's a beautiful blue and she has gray accents in the room. Very calming

Kitchen before...

During....imagine beautiful granite, def the new hang out spot of the house.

I was so proud I was from this city during the flood. There were people in Mich's home that she didn't know ripping out walls, etc. It was like that everywhere, people just out to help others! Such a wonderful thing to witness.
It definitely helped that so many people were excited to find things that they could salvage, and/or, like Mich, were excited they had a reason to renovate their homes. The best part of helping Mich rip out her walls was watching her walk around and talk about the changes she wanted to make, since her house was already down to the studs and subfloor. I'm so glad to see that she's been able to do just that!