Thursday, January 28, 2010


This past weekend Andy and I were on a mission....for an antique chest for our guest bedroom. We currently have my parents old iron bed in there that my mom bought from an antique store when she was 16. However the chest that I had bought originally for this room is now in our bedroom.

So Saturday morning the hunt began. I can't say that Andy LOVES antiquing, but he doesn't mind it. As long as we grab a good lunch he is good to go! I am so thankful that he goes with me. We searched and searched and I couldn't find anything that said "take me home", well except a sideboard.

I tried to convince myself and Andy that it could work in the guest bedroom until we have a dining room to move it in. I knew it would look a little out of place, but I am still thinking about it! Mom always says if it says "take me home" than you better get it, (if you can afford it) because you will probably regret it. Well, maybe next time. For now I keep checking the antique store website to see if it's still there. We may just have to have a sideboard in our guest room for a while...

1 comment:

  1. I say get it! We had an antique dresser in the apartment dining room for a while. There was no other place to put it and it provided very needed storage!

    Just make it work for now if you love it, it'll work out later!

